

Configuring Your Customer Gateway: Amazon VPC getting Started Guide p28

Configuring Your Customer Gateway
Customer Gatewayの設定

At this point, your integration team has created several VPC objects and in return received information that your network engineering group should now use to configure the customer gateway. They need:
この段階で、いくつかのVPC オブジェクトを作成し、ネットワーク技術グループにCustomer Gatewayを設定してもらえる情報を取得しています。ネットワーク技術グループは以下の情報を必要としています:

・The table of network information (see Determining Your Network Information (p. 22))
ネットワーク情報テーブル(Determining Your Network Information(p22)参照)
・The configuration information returned from the ec2-create-vpn-connection command

・The Amazon Virtual Private Cloud Network Administrator Guide
Amazon Virtual Private Cloud Network Administratorガイド(別のPDF)

The network engineering group must notify your team when the configuration is complete before you can continue. Once they notify you, the next task is to attach the VPN gateway to the VPC.
ネットワーク技術チームが設定を完了しないうちに、作業を継続することはできません。設定完了の確認後、VPN gatewayをVPCへ割り当てる次の作業を行ってください。


Amazon VPCに対応するIPsecルータ

・Cisco IOS 12.4以降のCiscoルータ
・JunOS9.5以降のJuniper J-Seriesルータ
はCustomer Gateway(Amazon VPCと接続できる企業側のルータ)として





家庭用ルータで簡単設定でAmazon VPCと


How to Create a VPN Connection: Amazon VPC Getting Started Guide p 26

How to Create a VPN Connection

The last object to create is your Amazon VPC VPN connection, which is the secure communication path between your VPC and your data center.
最後にAmazon VPC VPN接続オブジェクトを作成します。

When creating a VPN connection, you provide the VPN gateway ID, the customer gateway ID, and the type of VPN connection (ipsec.1). The response includes a VPN connection ID and information your network engineering group needs in order to configure your customer gateway. In the request, you can specify one of the following formats for the configuration information:
VPN接続作成する際に、VPN gateway ID、Customer Gateway ID、VPN接続タイプ(ipsec.1)を指定します。返却情報として、VPN接続ID、Customer Gatewayを設定するときに必要な情報が含まれています。設定情報のための以下の型を特定することができます。

・generic: A generic format not specific to any particular vendor

・cisco-ios-isr: For Cisco Integrated Services routers running Cisco IOS 12.4 (or later) software
cisco-ios-isr:Cisco IOS 12.4以降が動作しているCisco Integrated Services製ルータ

・juniper-junos-j: For Juniper J-Series routers running JunOS 9.5 (or later) software
juniper-junos-j: JunOS 9.5以降が動作しているJuniper J-Seriesルータ

Choose whichever format matches your customer gateway. The response includes the configuration information in the specified format.
Customer Gatewayにあった型を選択してください。返却情報は、特定の型の設定情報を含みます。

You need to give the returned configuration information to your network engineering group, so we suggest you redirect the output to a file, or copy and paste the information from the screen to a file.

You can call ec2-create-vpn-connection or ec2-describe-vpn-connections to get the configuration information again if you need to.

必要があれば、ec2-create-vpn-connection か ec2-describe-vpn-connectionsを実行して設定情報を再度入手することができます。

To create a VPN connection

・Use the ec2-create-vpn-connection command, specifying the particular format you need for the configuration information (generic, cisco-ios-isr, or juniper-junos-j).
設定情報取得のために必要となる特定の型 (generic, cisco-ios-isr, juniper-junos-jのいずれか)を指定して、ec2-create-vpn-connectionを実行する。

PROMPT> ec2-create-vpn-connection -t ipsec.1 --customergateway

customer_gateway_id --vpn-gateway vpn_gateway_id --format format VPNCONNECTION vpn_connection_id pending ipsec.1 customer_gateway_id vpn_gateway_id

Long configuration information...

The response includes the unique ID for the VPN connection (e.g., vpn-44a8938f), the VPN connection's current state (pending), and the configuration information.
返却情報には、VPN接続のユニークなID(e.g. vpn-44a8938f)や競って情報が含まれています。

In the above example we don't show the returned configuration information because it's too long to easily show here. For examples of the configuration information returned, go to the Amazon Virtual Private Cloud Network Administrator Guide. The guide contains an example of the different formats that are available, as well as customer gateway diagrams that correspond to the examples.
Amazon Virtual Private Cloud Network Administrator Guideを参照することで、設定情報をすべて参照することができます。


Make sure to give the Amazon Virtual Private Cloud Network Administrator Guide to your network engineering group along with the configuration information returned from the ec2-create-vpn-connection call.
ネットワーク技術グループへ、ec2-create-vpn-connectioの結果と一緒に、Amazon Virtual Private Cloud Network Administrator Guideも提供していることを確認してください。

You still need to wait until the VPN connection's state is available before moving forward. You can get its current state from its description. Note that you only receive the configuration information in the response if you include the --format option with the desired format (e.g., cisco-ios-isr, etc.).
--format 型(e.g. cisco-ios-isほか)を指定することで、返却情報に指定の設定情報のみ取得できるます。

To get a VPN connection's description

・Use the ec2-describe-vpn-connections command.

PROMPT> ec2-describe-vpn-connections

VPNCONNECTION vpn_connection_id available ipsec.1 customer_gateway_id vpn_gateway_id

The ec2-create-vpn-connection and ec2-describe-vpn-connections commands take a --format option or a --stylesheet option, which causes the response to include configuration information formatted according to a particular format of your choice (e.g., cisco-ios-isr), or XSL stylesheet of your own design. The corresponding Amazon VPC API operations (CreateVpnConnection and DescribeVpnConnections) instead automatically return the configuration information in a native XML format specific to Amazon VPC. You should always use the commands (instead of the corresponding API calls) to get the configuration information returned to you in a friendly format. If you're using the command line tools, but want to see the native XML format, set the --format option to xml.

ec2-create-vpn-connection や ec2-describe-vpn-connectionsは--formatオプションや--stylesheetオプションをつけることができ、特定の型のみの設定情報の取得や、独自のXSLスタイルシートを指定することができます。
対応しているAmazon VPC APIオペレーション(CreateVpnConnection や DescribeVpnConnections)は代わりにAmazon VPCを特定するためのネイティブなXML形式で設定情報を自動的に返却する。(対応するAPIコールの代わりに)親しみやすいフォーマットの設定情報を取得するコマンドを使用すべきです。
もしコマンドラインツールを使用するのではなくネイティブなXMLフォーマットで見たいのであれば--format オプションにxmlを記述してください。

You've created your Amazon VPC objects. The next task is to configure the customer gateway with the information from ec2-create-vpn-connection.
Amazon VPCオブジェクトを作成できました。次に、ec2-create-vpn-connectionにて取得した情報をもとにCustomer Gatewayを設定します。

How to Create a VPN Gateway: Amazon VPC Getting Started Guide p26

How to Create a VPN Gateway
VPN Gateway作成方法

The next object to create is your Amazon VPC VPN gateway, which is the anchor of your VPN connection on the AWS side. When creating the VPN gateway, you provide the type (ipsec.1).
次にAmazon VPC VPN gatewayオブジェクトを作成します。
VPN gatewayはAWS側のVPN接続のアンカーとなります。
VPN gateway作成時に、タイプ(ipsec.1)を指定します。

To create a VPN gateway
VPN gatewayの作成

・Use the ec2-create-vpn-gateway command, and specify the type (ipsec.1).
タイプ(ipsec.1)を指定してec2-create-vpn-gateway コマンドを使う

PROMPT> ec2-create-vpn-gateway -t ipsec.1

VPNGATEWAY vpn_gateway_id pending ipsec.1 us-east-1a

The response includes the unique ID for the VPN gateway (e.g., vgw-8db04f81). Copy and paste that value somewhere because you will need it. The response also includes the current state of the VPN gateway (pending) and the VPN gateway's Availability Zone. You need to wait until the VPN gateway's state is available before moving forward. You can get its current state from its description.
返却情報には、VPN gatewayの一意なID(e.g. vgw-8db04f81)を含んでいます。
ほかに、現在のステータス(pending)、VPN gatewayのAvailability Zoneなどが含まれています。
VPN gatewayのステータスがavailableになるまで、次の作業に進まないでください。
VPN gatewayのステータスは、詳細情報を参照することで取得できます。

To get a VPN gateway's description
VPN gateway詳細情報の取得

・Use the ec2-describe-vpn-gateways command.

PROMPT> ec2-describe-vpn-gateways

VPNGATEWAY vpn_gateway_id available ipsec.1 us-east-1a

How to Create a Subnet: Amazon VPC Getting Started Guide p24

How to Create a Subnet

The next objects to create are the Amazon VPC subnets in your VPC. If you add more than one subnet to a VPC, they are laid out in a star topology with a logical router in the middle.
次にAmazon VPC subnet を作成します。

When creating each subnet, you provide the VPC ID and the CIDR block for the subnet. The subnet's CIDR block can be the same as the VPC's CIDR (assuming you want only a single subnet in the VPC), or a subset of the VPC's CIDR. If you create more than one subnet in a VPC, the CIDR blocks of the subnets must not overlap.
各subnet作成時、VPC IDと、Subnet CIDRブロックを指定します。Subnet CIDRブロックはVPCのCIDR(VPC内で単一のSubnetのみ使用するのであれば)と同じ値にすることができます。複数のSubnetを作成するのであれば、CIDRブロックはオー場ラップさせるべきではありません。


AWS reserves both the first four and the last IP address in each subnet's CIDR block. They're not available for use.
AWAは、各Subnet CIDRブロックの最初の4つと最後のIPアドレスを予約しています。このためこれらのIPアドレスは使用することができません。

When you create a subnet, you receive the unique ID that Amazon VPC assigns to the subnet, the subnet's current state (pending or available), the number of available IP addresses in the subnet, and the subnet's Availability Zone.
Subnet作成時、Amazon VPCをSubnetに割り当てるためのユニークなID、Subnetの現在のステータス(pendingかavailable)、Subnet上の有効IPアドレス数、SubnetのAvailability Zoneをを受け取ります。

In this example, the VPC uses CIDR block, which provides 256 addresses. We'll break the VPC's CIDR block into two subnets, which means each will have 128 addresses. One subnet will have CIDR block (for addresses - and the other will have CIDR block (for addresses -

There are many tools available to help you calculate subnet CIDR blocks. For a commonly used tool, go to Also, your network engineering group can help you determine the CIDR blocks to specify for your subnets.

多くののSubnet CIDRブロックを計算するための有用なツールがあります。
ネットワーク技術グループが、Subnet CIDRブロック決定の支援を受けることもできます。

To create your subnets

1. Use the ec2-create-subnet command, and provide the ID of the VPC and the CIDR block for the subnet.
ec2-create-subnetコマンドを使う。引数としてVPC IDとSubnet CIDRブロックを指定する。

PROMPT> ec2-create-subnet -c vpc_id -i

SUBNET subnet_id pending vpc_id 123 us-east-1a

The response includes the unique ID for the subnet (e.g., subnet-9d4a7b6c), the current state of the subnet (pending or available), the VPC ID, the subnet's CIDR block, the number of unused IP addresses in the subnet, and the subnet's Availability Zone.
返却情報には、subnetのユニークID(e.g. subbet-9d4a7b6c)、ステータス(pendingかavailable)、VPC ID、SubnetのCIDRブロック、Subnet内未使用IPアドレス数、SubnetのAvailability Zoneが含まれている。

2. Use the command again to create the second subnet.

PROMPT> ec2-create-subnet -c vpc_id -i

SUBNET subnet_id pending vpc_id 123 us-east-1a

You need to wait until each subnet's state is available before moving forward. You can get the current state of the subnets from their descriptions.

To get a subnet's description

・Use the ec2-describe-subnets command.

PROMPT> ec2-describe-subnets

SUBNET subnet_id available vpc_id 123 us-east-1a

SUBNET other_subnet_id available vpc_id 123 useast-

How to Create a VPC: Amazon VPC Getting Started Guide p23

How to Create a VPC

The first object to create is a VPC. When creating the VPC, you simply provide the set of IP addresses you want the VPC to cover. You specify this set of addresses in the form of a Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) block. For example, For information about CIDR notation and what the "/24" means, go to the Wikipedia article about Classless Inter-Domain Routing. The minimum allowed
size of the block is a /28 netmask (16 IP addresses), and the maximum is a /16 netmask (65,536 IP addresses). For more information about things to consider when determining the size of your VPC, see VPC Sizing (p. 40).
IPアドレス群指定には、Classless Inter-Domain Routing(CIDR)ブロック形式で指定します(ex.。
CIDR書式および"/24"の意味については、WikipediaのClassless Inter-Domain Routingの項を参照してください。
VPCサイズ決定のための考慮点詳細は、VPC Sizing(p.40)を参照してください。

In this example, we'll create a VPC with CIDR range The "/24" means that the VPC will have 256 IP addresses ( -

The response includes the unique ID that Amazon VPC assigns to the VPC and the VPC's current state (pending or available).

To create a VPC

・Use the ec2-create-vpc command.

PROMPT> ec2-create-vpc

VPC pending default

The response includes the unique ID for the VPC (which looks similar to vpc-1a2b3c4d). Copy and paste that value somewhere because you will need it. The response also includes the current state of the VPC (pending). Lastly, the default indicates that the VPC is using the default DHCP options (for more information, see Using DHCP Options (p. 40)).

You need to wait until the VPC's state is available before moving forward. You can get its current state from its description.

To get a VPC's description

・Use the ec2-describe-vpcs command.

PROMPT> ec2-describe-vpcs

VPC available default

Creating Amazon VPC Objects: Amazon VPC Getting Started Guide p23

Creating Amazon VPC Objects
Amazon VPCオブジェクトの作成

・How to Create a VPC (p. 23)
・How to Create a Subnet (p. 24)
・How to Create a Customer Gateway (p. 25)
・How to Create a VPN Gateway (p. 26)
・How to Create a VPN Connection (p. 26)

・Customer Gateway作成手順(p.25)
・VPN Gateway作成手順(p.26)

Your next task is to use the Amazon EC2 command line tools to call Amazon VPC API operations that create a VPC, subnets, customer gateway, VPN gateway, and VPN connection. You should have downloaded and set up the Amazon EC2 command line tools (for more information, see Setting Up the Tools (p. 18)).
次に、Amazon EC2コマンドラインツールを使ってAmazon VPC APIを呼び出し、VPC、Subnet、Customer Gateway、VPN Gateway、VPN接続を作成します。
本作業を行うには、Amazon EC2 コマンドラインツールをダウンロードし、セットアップを完了させていなくてはなりません(詳細はSetting Up the Tools(p18)を参照のこと)。

Determining Your Network Information: Amazon VPC Getting Started Guide p 22

Determining Your Network Information

The first task for your integration team is to determine the set of information in the following table. The table includes dummy values for some of the items. You can use the dummy values or determine real ones for the exercise. You must obtain real values for all the other items.

You can print the table and fill in the values you plan to use in the column on the far right.

How Used
Your Value


VPC CIDR block
Used in an API call, and in customer gateway configuration
Dummy value you can use in the exercise:
APIコールで使用され、そしてGustomer Gateway 設定で使用される

Subnet #1 CIDR block (can be same as the VPC's CIDR block)
Used in an API call
Dummy value you can use in the exercise:

Subnet #1 CIDRブロック

Subnet #2 CIDR block (optional)
Used in an API call
Dummy value you can use in the exercise:
Subnet #2 CIDRブロック

Subnet #N CIDR block(optional)
Used in an API call
Subnet #N CIDRブロック

Type of customer gateway (e.g., Cisco, Juniper, or other)
Used in an API call to specify how to format the returned information that you will use to configure the customer gateway
For information about the specific versions of Cisco and Juniper routers that we've tested, go to the Amazon Virtual Private Cloud Network Administrator Guide.

Custom Gatewayのタイプ(e.g. Cisco、Juniper、その他)
かつてCustomer Gatewayを設定した返却情報をどうやってフォーマットするかを特定するためにAPIコールで使用される
テストするためのCiscoやJuniperルータの特定のバージョンについての情報については、Amazon Virtual Private Cloud Network Administrator Guideを参照のこと

Internet-routable IP address (static) of the customer gateway's external interface
Used in an API call, and in customer gateway configuration (it's referred to as YOUR_UPLINK_ADDRESS)
The value must be static and can't be behind a device performing network address translation(NAT).
Customer Gatewayの外部インターフェイスのインターネットルーティング可能な固定IPアドレス
APIコールで使用される、そしてCustomer Gateway設定内にて使用される(YOUR_UPLINK_ADDRESSと呼ばれる)

Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) Autonomous System Number (ASN) of the customer gateway
Used in an API call, and in customer gateway configuration (it's referred to as YOUR_BGP_ASN)
You can use an existing ASN assigned to your network. If you don't have one, you can use a private ASN (in the 64512?65534 range). For more information about ASNs, go to the Wikipedia article.
Custom GatewayのBorder Gateway Protocol (BGP) Autonomous System Number (ASN)
APIコールで使用され、Custom Gateway設定内で使用される(YOUR_BGP_ASNと呼ばれる)

For help determining the appropriate size of your VPC, see VPC Sizing (p. 40).
VPCの適当なサイズを定義のヘルプとして、VPC Sizing (p. 40)を参照してください。

Once your team has determined the network information in the preceding table, you can move on to the next task, which is using the command line tools to make Amazon VPC API calls that create your Amazon VPC objects.
上記テーブルのネットワーク情報を決定したら、次の作業に移ることができます。次の作業は、コマンドラインツールを使って Amazon VPC APIコールを呼び出し、Amazon VPCオブジェクトを作成します。


現在のAmazon VPCの制約

Amazon VPCの現時点の制約は以下の通り。


With the current implementation of Amazon VPC:
Amazon VPCの現在の実装では:

・You can have one VPC, one VPN gateway, one customer gateway, and one VPN connection per AWS account
1つのアカウントで1つのVPC、1つのVPN gateway、1つのCustomer Gateway、1つのVPN接続を保有できる

・You can assign one IP address range to your VPC

・Once you create a VPC or subnet, you can't change its IP address range

・Your VPC and your VPN gateway must reside together in a single Availability Zone in the us-east-1 Region
VPCやVPN gatewayは、us-east-1リージョン(北バージニア)の単一Availability Zoneに必ず配置される

・When you launch an instance in a subnet, AWS automatically assigns the instance an IP address from the CIDR range the subnet covers; you can't choose the specific IP address to use with the instance
あるSubnet内にインスタンスを起動したとき。、AWSはsubnetがカバーするCIDRレンジから一つのIPアドレスが自動的にアサインされる;インスタンスを使っている特定のIP アドレスを選択することができない。

・Internet access from your VPC is through the VPN connection back through your own network; you can't send or receive Internet traffic directly from your VPC

・Access from your VPC to other AWS services is through the VPN connection, then through your corporate network and its connection to the Internet

・You can't use either broadcast or multicast within your VPC

・AWS does not perform network address translation (NAT) on Amazon EC2 instances within a VPC
AWSは、VPC内のAmazon EC2インスタンス上でネットワークアドレス変換(NAT)を実行することができない

・Reserved Instances (with their discounted rates) are available; however, there's currently no capacity guarantee for Reserved Instances in a VPC

・Amazon EC2 High-Memory Instances and Spot Instances do not work with a VPC
VPC利用時はAmazon EC2 ハイメモリインスタンスやスポットインスタンスは動作しない

・Amazon Elastic Block Store and Amazon CloudWatch are available with all your instances; however, other Amazon EC2 features are not available (Elastic IP Addresses, security groups, Elastic Load Balancing, and Auto Scaling)
Amazon Elastic Block Store や Amazon CloudWatch はすべてのインスタンスで有効;しかし、ほかのAmazon EC2フィーチャは有効ではない(Elastic IP Addresses、セキュリティグループ、Elastic Load Balancing、Auto Scaling)

・Amazon EBS-backed AMIs are not supported (including AMIs running Microsoft Windows Server 2008 and Microsoft SQL Server Standard 2008)
Amazon EBS-backed AMIはサポートされていない(MS Windows Server2008やMS SQL Server Standard2008が動作するAMIを含む)

・Amazon DevPay paid AMIs do not work with a VPC
Amazon DevPay支払いのAMIはVPNで動作しない

About the Region and Availability Zone: Amazon VPC Getting Started p.22

About the Region and Availability Zone

Amazon VPC works only in the Amazon EC2 US-East (Northern Virginia) Region (us-east-1), with the service endpoint. By default, the Amazon EC2 API command line tools default to that Region and endpoint. If you're an existing user of the command line tools and your tools are set up to use a different Region and endpoint, make sure to change them.
AmazonVPCはAmazon EC2 US-East (us-east-1、北バージニア)リージョンでしか動作しません(サービスエンドポイントは。デフォルトでは、Amazon EC2 コマンドラインツールはこのリージョンやエンドポイントが設定されています。もしコマンドラインツールをすでに使用しており、異なるリージョンやエンドポイントを使用している設定をした場合は変更してください。

To change the Region and endpoint

1. View available Regions by entering the following:

PROMPT> ec2-describe-regions
REGION us-east-1
REGION eu-west-1

2. If you need to change the service endpoint on Linux and UNIX, set the EC2_URL environment variable as follows:

$ export EC2_URL=https://

3. If you need to change the service endpoint on Windows, set the EC2_URL environment variable as follows:

C:\> set EC2_URL=https://

Your subnets, VPN gateway, and Amazon EC2 instances in the VPC must all reside together in one of the Availability Zones in the us-east-1 Region (us-east-1a, etc.). If you're not familiar with Availability Zones: each zone is a distinct location within a Region, engineered to be insulated from failures in other zones.

Subnet、VPN gateway、VPC内のAmazon EC2 インスタンスがすべてひとつのus-east-1 リージョンのAvailability Zoneに備わっていなくてはなりません。もしあなたがAvailability Zoneについてよく知らない:ゾーンとは、1つのリージョン内に一意のローケーションがふられます、ほかのゾーンの障害から分離するために設計されています。

You can optionally specify an Availability Zone when creating subnets, when creating your VPN gateway, and when launching your instances. However, you don't need to because Amazon VPC can automatically determine an Availability Zone to use for the objects and instances.

subnet作成時、VPN gateway作成時、インスタンスの起動時にAvailability Zoneをオプションとして指定することができます。
しかし、Amazon VPCはオブジェクトやインスタンスを使用する際にAvailability Zoneを自動的に定義するため、指定する必要はありません。

Note that if you choose to specify an Availability Zone for the objects and instances, that zone might not be available (in which case Amazon VPC returns an error).
あるAvailability Zoneをオブジェクトやインスタンスに対して選択するならば、有効にならない(Amazon VPCはエラーを返します)ことに注意してください。

Process for Using Amazon VPC: Amazon VPC Getting Started Guide p.21

Process for Using Amazon VPC
Amzon VPC利用の際のプロセス

Determine basic network information

Your integration team works together to determine specific network information required to use Amazon VPC.
This includes information about the CIDR blocks you want for your subnets, and information about the appliance you plan to use for your customer gateway. For the exercise in this guide, we provide dummy values you can use for some of the items. For a list of the information your team needs to determine, see Determining Your Network Information (p. 22).
これは、あなたのsubnet情報を必要とするCIDRブロック情報も含みます。そしてあなたがcustomer gatewayとしての利用を計画しているアプライアンス情報も含みます。このガイドの解説では、いくつかの項目でダミー値を提供します。あなたのチームで定義する必要のある情報のリストは、Determining Your Network Information (p. 22)を参照してください。

Use API to Create VPC etc.

A member of your team uses the Amazon EC2 command line tools to call Amazon VPC API operations that create a VPC and other Amazon VPC objects, and that provide information needed in the next task.
For more information, see Creating Amazon VPC Objects (p. 23).
あなたのチームメンバは、VPCや他のAmazonVPCオブジェクトをAmazon EC2コマンドラインツールを使ってAmazon VPC APIをコールすることで作成します、そしてその作業は次のタスクで必要な情報を提供します。
詳細は、Creating Amazon VPC Objects (p. 23)を参照してください。

Configure customer gateway
Customer Gatewayの設定

Someone in your network engineering group takes the information provided by the command line tools and configures your customer gateway.
For more information, see Configuring Your Customer Gateway (p. 28).
ネットワーク技術グループのだれかがコマンドラインツールを使って提供される情報を取得し、Customer Gatewayを設定します。
詳細は、Configuring Your Customer Gateway (p. 28)を参照してください。

Use API to attach VPN gateway to VPC
APIを使ってVPN GatewayをVPCへ割り当てる

A member of your team uses the Amazon EC2 command line tools to call the Amazon VPC API operation that attaches the VPN gateway to the VPC.
For more information, see Attaching the VPN Gateway to the VPC (p. 28).
Amazon EC2コマンドラインツールを使ってAmazon VPC APIをコールすることでVPN gatewayをVPCへ割り当てます。
詳細は、Attaching the VPN Gateway to the VPC (p. 28)を参照してください。

Use API to launch instances

A member of your team uses the Amazon EC2 command line tools to call the Amazon EC2 operation that launches EC2 instances in your VPC.
For more information, see Launching Instances in Your VPC (p. 28).
Amazon EC2コマンドラインツールを使ってAmazon VPC APIをコールすることでVPC内のEC2インスタンスを起動する。
詳細は、Launching Instances in Your VPC (p. 28)を参照のこと。

After you launch instances in your VPC, you can connect to them, load software, and make changes like you would to any server.

Using Amazon VPC for the First Time: AmazonVPC Getting Started Guide p.20

Using Amazon VPC for the First Time
Amazon VPCを初めて使う

・Process for Using Amazon VPC (p. 21)
・Determining Your Network Information (p. 22)
・Creating Amazon VPC Objects (p. 23)
・Configuring Your Customer Gateway (p. 28)
・Attaching the VPN Gateway to the VPC (p. 28)
・Launching Instances in Your VPC (p. 28)
・Cleaning Up (p. 36)

・Amazon VPC利用手順(p.21)
・Amazon VPCオブジェクトの作成(p.23)
・Custom Gatewaの設定(p.28)
・VPN gateway の VPC への割り当て(p.28)

This section describes the process for using Amazon VPC and contains an exercise that walks you through the process. The exercise uses dummy values for the VPC's CIDR block and the subnets' CIDR blocks (dummy means values that you probably won't want to use with your real VPC in production). Even though the exercise uses dummy values, the VPC, subnets, and Amazon EC2 instances you create in the exercise are real. You can terminate them after the exercise is complete (for instructions, see Cleaning Up (p. 36)). Later, you can create a VPC and subnets that meet your actual needs.


Amazon VPC doesn't have a sandbox. When you do the exercise in this guide, you're charged the normal AWS rates for the Amazon VPC objects you create and Amazon EC2 instances you launch (the changes are minimal—typically less than a few dollars). For more information about how you're charged for Amazon VPC, see Paying for Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (p.42). For information about how you're charged for Amazon EC2 instances, go to the Amazon EC2 product page.
AmazonVPCは、サンドボックスを持っていません。このガイドで練習する際、作成したAmazon VPCオブジェクトと起動するAmazonEC2インスタンスには通常のAWS料金が請求されます(典型的な最小構成の場合、数ドル程度)。Amazon VPCに対する料金の詳細は、Paying for Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (p.42)を参照してください。Amazon EC2インスタンスの料金体系は、Amazon EC2 productページへ進んでください。

The next section summarizes the overall process and gives links to instructions for each task in the process.

Telling the Tools Who You Are: AmazonVPC Getting Started Guide p19

Telling the Tools Who You Are

The command line tools need access to the private key and X.509 certificate you generated after signing up for Amazon EC2 (for more information, see How to Get Your Credentials (p. 17)).
コマンドラインツールは、Amazon EC2 へのサインアップ後生成した秘密鍵とX.509証明書へのアクセスが必要です(詳細は、How to Get Your Credentials(17ページ)参照のこと)。

Because you can have more than one AWS account, you need to identify yourself to the command line tools so they know which credentials to use for requests. It's tedious to provide this information on the command line every time you invoke the tools. So, we recommend you set up two environment variables that point the tools to the relevant credentials. The environment variable EC2_PRIVATE_KEY should reference your private key file, and EC2_CERT should reference your X.509 certificate.

On Linux and UNIX, you can set these environment variables as follows.

$ export EC2_CERT=~/.ec2/cert-HKZYKTAIG2ECMXYIBH3HXV4ZBZQ55CLO.pem

On Windows the syntax is slightly different.


You're ready to start using Amazon VPC.

Telling the Tools Where They Live: AmazonVPC Getting Started Guide p19

Telling the Tools Where They Live

The command line tools depend on an environment variable (EC2_HOME) to locate supporting libraries. You need to set this environment variable before you can use the tools. You must set the variable to the path of the directory where you unzipped the command line tools. The directory itself is named ec2-api-tools-A.B-nnnn (A, B and n are version/release numbers), and contains sub-directories named bin and lib.

ディレクトリ名はec2-api-tools-A.B-nnnn (A, B や n はバージョン/リリースナンバ)で、そのディレクトリにはbinやlibを含んだサブディレクトリが存在します。

On Linux and UNIX, you can set this environment variable as follows.

$ export EC2_HOME=

On Windows the syntax is slightly different.

C:\> set EC2_HOME=

In addition, we recommend you add the tools' bin directory to your system PATH so you don't have to specify the path to the tools each time you invoke them. The rest of this guide assumes you've done this.

付け加えて、システム環境変数 PATHへツールのbinディレクトリを加えることをお勧めします。そうすれば、フルパスを書かないでそれらを実行することができます。以降、PATHへ設定している状態として説明を続けます。

On Linux and UNIX, you can update your PATH as follows.

$ export PATH=$PATH:$EC2_HOME/bin

On Windows the syntax is slightly different.

C:\> set PATH=%PATH%;%EC2_HOME%\bin

The Windows environment variables are reset when you close the command window. You might want to set them permanently.

Getting the Command Line Tools: AmazonVPC Getting Started p18

Getting the Command Line Tools

The command line tools are available as a ZIP file on the Amazon EC2 API Tools page. These tools are written in Java and include shell scripts for both Windows 2000/XP and Linux/UNIX/Mac OS X. The ZIP file is self-contained; no installation is required. You just download it and unzip it.

コマンドラインツールは、AmazonEC2 API Toolsページ上のZIPファイル形式で提供されます。これらのツールはJavaで記述されて、Windows 2000/XPとLinux/UNIX/Mac OS X目家のシェルスクリプトを含んだJavaプログラムで書かれています。それらはZip ファイル内に含まれています。インストールは不要です。ダウンロード後、解凍してください。

Some additional setup is required in order for the tools to use your AWS account credentials. That setup is discussed next.

About the Command Line Interface: Amazon VPC Getting Started p.18

About the Command Line Interface

As a convention, all command line text is prefixed with a generic PROMPT> command line prompt. The actual command line prompt on your machine is probably different. We also use $ to indicate a Linux/UNIX specific command and C:\> for a Windows specific command. Although we don't currently provide explicit instructions, the tools also work correctly on Mac OS X (the commands resemble the Linux and UNIX commands). When we show a command's use, we show the example output resulting from the command immediately thereafter without any prefix.

慣例として、すべてのコマンドラインテキストは先頭に PROMPT> をつけて表現します。
実際のコマンドラインプロンプトとは異なっています。 Linux/UNIXの場合は$が、Windowsの場合はC:\>を使います。ここでは表記していませんが、ツールはMac OS X上でも正しく機能します(LinuxとUNIXに似ています)。我々がコマンドの使い方を示すとき、接頭辞なしの例出力で示します。

Setting Up the Tools: AmazonVPC Getting Started p.18

Setting Up the Tools

One step remains before you can use Amazon VPC. You need to get the Amazon EC2 API command line tools and set them up to use your AWS account.
AmazonVPCの利用まであと1ステップです。AmazonEC2 APIコマンドラインツールを取得して、あなたのAWSアカウントを使用する設定を行う必要があります。

If you already use the Amazon EC2 API command line tools, you simply need to download the 2009-07-15 (or later) version of the tools. To get the tools, go to the Amazon EC2 API Tools page.

もしすでにAmazonEC2 API コマンドラインツールを使用しているのであれば、2009-07-15バージョン(以降)のツールをダウンロードしてください。ツールは、AmazonEC2 API Toolsページにあります。

How to Get Your Credentials: AmazonVPC Getting Started p17

How to Get Your Credentials

The local machine must have your credentials stored in an .ec2 directory in the home directory. The credentials consist of an X.509 certificate and corresponding private key.


For a Windows local machine, there can be no spaces in the path to the directory. For example, C:\EC2 is acceptable, but C:\My Documents\EC2 is not.

Windowローカルマシンでは、パスに空白を入れることができません。たとえばC:\EC2は使えますが、C:\My Documents\EC2は使用できません。

To get your credentials
1. On the local machine, go to the Amazon Web Services web site at
2. Point to Your Account and click Security Credentials.
3. Log in to your AWS account. The Security Credentials page is displayed.
4. In the Access Credentials section of the page, click the X.509 Certificates tab.
5. Click Create a New Certificate.Your X.509 certificate and corresponding private key are generated.
6. From the dialog box, download your private key file and X.509 certificate file to an .ec2 directory that you create in your home directory. Make sure to keep the filenames offered by your browser.
You should end up with a PEM-encoded X.509 certificate and a private key file named as shown in the following examples.

1.ローカルマシンから、AWS Webサイト を開く
2.Your Accountをクリックして、Security Credentialsをクリックする
4.Access Credentialsセクションでは、X.509証明書タブをクリックする
5.Create a Certificate.Yourをクリック。X.509証明書と対応する秘密鍵を生成する

The following is an example filename for a PEM-encoded signed X.509 certificate.以下、PEMエンコード化されたX.509証明書のファイル名の例です。


The following is an example filename for an unencrypted, PEM-encoded RSA private key that corresponds to the preceding X.509 certificate.


This X.509 certificate is associated with your account until you generate or upload a new certificate. If you have an existing certificate that you prefer to use, you can return to the Security Credentials page and upload it later.
That's it. In the next section, you set up the Amazon EC2 API command line tools.

あなたが新しい証明書を生成するか、アップロードするまで、このX.509証明書はあなたのアカウントと関係しています。既存の証明書を持っていて、それらを使用する場合、Security Credentialsページに戻って、アップロードしてください。
それそれ。次のセクションでは、あなたはAmazonEC2 APIコマンドラインツールを準備します

The Java Runtime Environment: AmazonVPC Getting Started p.17

The Java Runtime Environment

The command line tools require Java version 5 or later to run. Either a JRE or JDK installation is acceptable. To view and download JREs for a range of platforms, including Linux/UNIX and Windows, go to

コマンドラインツールは、Java Ver5以降が必要です。JREもしくはJDKのいずれかのインストールが必要です。 から各プラットフォームにあったJREをダウンロードしてください。

If you are using Cygwin, the EC2_HOME, EC2_PRIVATE_KEY, and EC2_CERT (variables
discussed later in the guide) must use Linux/UNIX paths (e.g,, /usr/bin instead of C:\usr\bin).
However, JAVA_HOME should have a Windows path. Additionally, the value of EC2_HOME cannot contain any spaces, not even if the value is quoted or the spaces are escaped.

Cygwin利用の場合は、環境変数EC2_HOME、EC2_PRIVATE_KEY、EC2_CERT(ガイド後半にて説明のある変数)はLinux/UNIXパス表記(e.g. C:\usr\binの代わりに/usr/bin)を使わなければなりません。

The command line tools depend on an environment variable (JAVA_HOME) to locate the Java Runtime. This environment variable should be set to the full path of the directory that contains a sub-directory named bin, which in turn contains the java (on Linux and UNIX) or the java.exe (on Windows) executable. You might want to add this directory to your path before other versions of Java. Make sure you don't include the bin directory in the path; that's a common mistake some users make. The command line tools won't work if you do.

コマンドラインツールは、Java Runtimeを特定するために、環境変数(JAVA_HOME)に依存します。この環境変数はbinという名前のサブディレクトリを含むディレクトリのフルパスを設定しなくてはなりません。そして、それは順番にjava(Linux/UNIX)、java.exe(Windows)を含めたもので指定しなくてはなりません。

Following is an example of how to set this environment variable in Linux and UNIX.

$ export JAVA_HOME=

Following is an example of the syntax in Windows.

C:\> set JAVA_HOME=

You can confirm this by running $JAVA_HOME/bin/java -version and checking the output.
Javaのバージョンを確認する場合は、$JAVA_HOME/bin/java -versionと入力してください。

$ $JAVA_HOME/bin/java -version

java version "1.5.0_09"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.5.0_09-b03)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.5.0_09-b03, mixed mode, sharing)

The syntax is different on Windows, but the output is similar.

C:\> %JAVA_HOME%\bin\java -version

java version "1.5.0_09"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.5.0_09-b03)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.5.0_09-b03, mixed mode, sharing)

Access to the Internet: AmazonVPC Getting Started p16

Access to the Internet

In the exercise in this guide, you communicate with the Amazon EC2 API endpoint over the Internet using the command line tools to create your VPC, subnets, etc., and to launch your Amazon EC2 instances within the VPC. The tools require that the local machine has:

このガイドでは、VPCやサブネットなどの作成、VPC環境下でのAmazonEC2インスタンスのLaunchを、コマンドラインツールを使って Amazon EC2 API エンドポイントとインターネット経由で通信して行います。コマンドラインツールはローカルマシンが以下の項目を満たしている必要があります:

・Java version 5 or later installed (for more information, see The Java Runtime Environment (p.17))
・JavaランタイムVer5以降がインストールされていること(詳細はThe Java Runtime Environment (p.17)を参照のこと)
・An .ec2 directory in the home directory with the required credentials (for more information, see How to Get Your Credentials (p. 17))
・ホームディレクトリ直下の.ec2ディレクトリが使用可能であること(詳細はHow to Get Your Credentials (p. 17)参照のこと)

Access to the Customer Gateway:AmazonVPC Getting Started p16

Access to the Customer Gateway
Customer Gatewayへのアクセス

You communicate with Amazon EC2 instances in your VPC over the VPN connection.
VPC over VPN接続にてAmazonEC2と通信します。

To communicate with Linux/UNIX instances, your local machine must have an SSH client installed. If your local machine is a Linux or Unix system, it probably includes an SSH client by default. If yours does not, the OpenSSH project provides a free implementation of the full suite of SSH tools. For more information, go to the OpenSSH home page.

Linux/UNIXインスタンスと通信するために、ローカルマシンにSSHクライアントをインストールしなくてはなりません。ローカルマシンがLinuxまたはUnixシステムであるならば、おそらくデフォルトでSSHクライアントが提供されています。存在しない場合は、OpenSSHプロジェクトはSSHツールのフルセットのフリーのリファレンス実装を提供しています。詳細は、OpenSSH Webページへ行ってください。

If your local machine is a Windows system and doesn't have an SSH client, you can use PuTTY, which is a free SSH client. To download the client and installation instructions, go to the PuTTY home page.
For information on how to use PuTTY with Amazon EC2, see Appendix: PuTTY (p. 45).
ローカルマシンがWindowsシステムで、SSHクライアントが導入されていない場合、フリーのSSHクライアント PuTTYを使用することができます。PuTTYホームページへ行ってください。

To communicate with Windows instances, your local machine must have a Remote Desktop client installed. If you don't have one, go to the Microsoft home page.

The VPN connection itself requires you to have either a physical or software appliance onsite that is configured to work with Amazon VPC (we call this appliance a customer gateway). Instructions for configuring the appliance are covered elsewhere and not here in this section because you need to complete the setup of the command line tools before you can configure the appliance.

VPN接続自体は、AmazonVPC環境で動作するH/Wもしくはソフトウェア機器を必要とします(この機器をCustomer gatewayと呼びます)。コマンドラインツールのセットアップを完了する必要があるため、機器の設定についてはここではなく別のドキュメントで解説しています。

Local Machines You Need:Amazon VPC Getting Started Guide p15

Local Machines You Need

To complete the exercise in this guide (and to use Amazon VPC in general), you need a local machine with access to the Internet and a local machine with access to the customer gateway that you set up during the exercise. You can use a single system to cover both types of access, or two systems, depending on your preference or how your network is set up. The following table and figure describe what each type of access is for. The figure shows two desktop systems.



Custom gateway
SSHクライアント(Linux/UNIXインスタンスの場合)、リモートデスクトップ(Windowsインスタンスの場合)、詳細はAccess to the Customer Gateway(p.16)参照のこと

us-east1や Amazon EC2 APIエンドポイントとの通信
コマンドラインツール、詳細はAccess to the iInternet(p16)参照のこと

This section describes the requirements for the local machine or machines. We assume you're comfortable working in either a Linux/UNIX or Windows environment.

If you're already an experienced EC2 user, you're familiar with the information in this topic. You probably already have a local machine that runs the command line tools (and has either an SSH client or Remote Desktop client). Make sure your local machine also has access to the customer gateway (and thus the VPN connection).

あなたがすでに経験豊かなEC2ユーザであるならば、あなたはこの話題で情報をよく知っています。あなたは、多分すでに、コマンドラインツール(そして、SSHクライアントかリモートデスクトップクライアント)を走らせるローカルマシンを持っているでしょう。あなたのローカルマシンもCustomer Gateway(そしてVPN接続も)にアクセスすることを確認してください。

Setting Up Your Account: AmazonVPC Getting Started Guide p.14

Getting Set Up

・Signing Up for Your Account (p. 14)
・Local Machines You Need (p. 15)
・Setting Up the Tools (p. 18)


This section prepares you to use Amazon VPC for the first time.


If you're already an Amazon EC2 user, then you're already signed up for Amazon VPC
automatically. You can skip directly to Local Machines You Need (p. 15).

あなたがすでにAmazonEC2ユーザであれば、自動的にすでにアマゾンVPCの契約され手いる状態です。Local Machines You Need(15ページ)へ進んでください。

Getting Set Up :AmazonVPCGetting Started Guide p13

Getting Set Up

・Signing Up for Your Account (p. 14)
・Local Machines You Need (p. 15)
・Setting Up the Tools (p. 18)


This section prepares you to use Amazon VPC for the first time.


If you're already an Amazon EC2 user, then you're already signed up for Amazon VPC
automatically. You can skip directly to Local Machines You Need (p. 15).

あなたがすでにAmazonEC2ユーザであれば、自動的にすでにアマゾンVPCの契約され手いる状態です。Local Machines You Need(15ページ)へ進んでください。

Amazon VPCを使うことになった

Amazon EC2 はIaaSの例でよくでてくるのだが、
使いたい場合はAmazon VPCを使わなくてはならない。

ちくちくAmazon VPC Getting Started Guideを翻訳することにした。




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