

Using Amazon VPC for the First Time: AmazonVPC Getting Started Guide p.20

Using Amazon VPC for the First Time
Amazon VPCを初めて使う

・Process for Using Amazon VPC (p. 21)
・Determining Your Network Information (p. 22)
・Creating Amazon VPC Objects (p. 23)
・Configuring Your Customer Gateway (p. 28)
・Attaching the VPN Gateway to the VPC (p. 28)
・Launching Instances in Your VPC (p. 28)
・Cleaning Up (p. 36)

・Amazon VPC利用手順(p.21)
・Amazon VPCオブジェクトの作成(p.23)
・Custom Gatewaの設定(p.28)
・VPN gateway の VPC への割り当て(p.28)

This section describes the process for using Amazon VPC and contains an exercise that walks you through the process. The exercise uses dummy values for the VPC's CIDR block and the subnets' CIDR blocks (dummy means values that you probably won't want to use with your real VPC in production). Even though the exercise uses dummy values, the VPC, subnets, and Amazon EC2 instances you create in the exercise are real. You can terminate them after the exercise is complete (for instructions, see Cleaning Up (p. 36)). Later, you can create a VPC and subnets that meet your actual needs.


Amazon VPC doesn't have a sandbox. When you do the exercise in this guide, you're charged the normal AWS rates for the Amazon VPC objects you create and Amazon EC2 instances you launch (the changes are minimal—typically less than a few dollars). For more information about how you're charged for Amazon VPC, see Paying for Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (p.42). For information about how you're charged for Amazon EC2 instances, go to the Amazon EC2 product page.
AmazonVPCは、サンドボックスを持っていません。このガイドで練習する際、作成したAmazon VPCオブジェクトと起動するAmazonEC2インスタンスには通常のAWS料金が請求されます(典型的な最小構成の場合、数ドル程度)。Amazon VPCに対する料金の詳細は、Paying for Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (p.42)を参照してください。Amazon EC2インスタンスの料金体系は、Amazon EC2 productページへ進んでください。

The next section summarizes the overall process and gives links to instructions for each task in the process.

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