

現在のAmazon VPCの制約

Amazon VPCの現時点の制約は以下の通り。


With the current implementation of Amazon VPC:
Amazon VPCの現在の実装では:

・You can have one VPC, one VPN gateway, one customer gateway, and one VPN connection per AWS account
1つのアカウントで1つのVPC、1つのVPN gateway、1つのCustomer Gateway、1つのVPN接続を保有できる

・You can assign one IP address range to your VPC

・Once you create a VPC or subnet, you can't change its IP address range

・Your VPC and your VPN gateway must reside together in a single Availability Zone in the us-east-1 Region
VPCやVPN gatewayは、us-east-1リージョン(北バージニア)の単一Availability Zoneに必ず配置される

・When you launch an instance in a subnet, AWS automatically assigns the instance an IP address from the CIDR range the subnet covers; you can't choose the specific IP address to use with the instance
あるSubnet内にインスタンスを起動したとき。、AWSはsubnetがカバーするCIDRレンジから一つのIPアドレスが自動的にアサインされる;インスタンスを使っている特定のIP アドレスを選択することができない。

・Internet access from your VPC is through the VPN connection back through your own network; you can't send or receive Internet traffic directly from your VPC

・Access from your VPC to other AWS services is through the VPN connection, then through your corporate network and its connection to the Internet

・You can't use either broadcast or multicast within your VPC

・AWS does not perform network address translation (NAT) on Amazon EC2 instances within a VPC
AWSは、VPC内のAmazon EC2インスタンス上でネットワークアドレス変換(NAT)を実行することができない

・Reserved Instances (with their discounted rates) are available; however, there's currently no capacity guarantee for Reserved Instances in a VPC

・Amazon EC2 High-Memory Instances and Spot Instances do not work with a VPC
VPC利用時はAmazon EC2 ハイメモリインスタンスやスポットインスタンスは動作しない

・Amazon Elastic Block Store and Amazon CloudWatch are available with all your instances; however, other Amazon EC2 features are not available (Elastic IP Addresses, security groups, Elastic Load Balancing, and Auto Scaling)
Amazon Elastic Block Store や Amazon CloudWatch はすべてのインスタンスで有効;しかし、ほかのAmazon EC2フィーチャは有効ではない(Elastic IP Addresses、セキュリティグループ、Elastic Load Balancing、Auto Scaling)

・Amazon EBS-backed AMIs are not supported (including AMIs running Microsoft Windows Server 2008 and Microsoft SQL Server Standard 2008)
Amazon EBS-backed AMIはサポートされていない(MS Windows Server2008やMS SQL Server Standard2008が動作するAMIを含む)

・Amazon DevPay paid AMIs do not work with a VPC
Amazon DevPay支払いのAMIはVPNで動作しない

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